Custom Crafted Experiences

Custom Crafting the Band Travel Experience!

TEAM SBNYC’s mission of creating an opportunity for young musicians to experience the life-enhancing excitement of Band Travel is an awesome responsibility and one we don’t take lightly. Yes, Bands compete for recognition, serenade at home games, and march in community parades.

But its’ members also learn how to sort out differences, compromise with one another and work together as a Team for the common good in a safe space / structured environment. So, yes, Bands are about playing great music together but, Band and especially the Band Travel Experience is also a roadmap into adulthood.

Traveling to Large Cities, like NYC, where the environment is a crowed 24/7 fast-paced hustle & bustle is, in most cases, “A Whole New World” effectively taking the band and its’ members outside of their comfort zone.

SBNYC’s collaborative approach to creating custom crafted band travel experiences takes many factors into account. Special occasions, Director requests & expectations, chaperone tolerance for environmental stress, just to name a few.

From time we get our “marching orders” from the Director / Trip Planner, through arrival on the ground, there are about 20-30+ structural and nuanced iterations of the Band’s day-to-day program so that its’ members can have that truly once in a young person’s lifetime VIP experience.

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